Welcome to a new look at leaders, both what makes them tick and how you can become the best leader you can.
Do we need another site about leaders and leadership? I think we do and here’s why:
So much of what we read and hear about leaders feels theoretical and maybe even a little unrealistic. When you’re reading about leadership and leaders, it’s like a feel good movie where everything works out in the end. Sure there are trials and struggles, yet the stories seem to gloss over how painfully difficult or challenging it might have been to overcome the circumstances. Don’t get me wrong, I get inspiration and motivation from success stories. At the same time, I can get discouraged because I can’t seem to do what the high achievers do. If that is true for you, this is the place for you too. If it’s not true for you, and your leadership is like in the movies, we need you too!
Here, we are focused on real leaders and real challenges. Our goal is to help you become a better leader by getting to know yourself better – your strengths and weaknesses, your triumphs and your failures. And to learn from others as well. While we won’t be sitting around crying about how hard life is or how unfair something is, we will listen, empathize with the challenge and then work together to find solutions.
So, what is a “human leader.” Put simply, the human leader is highly self-aware. The human leader understands that she or he plays a part in every conflict, every challenge and every success. She looks first to determine what she needs to change, where she needs to grow, before focusing on the other parties involved. He also understands that, as the leader, he will have to make difficult decisions that will affect those around him. He knows his strengths as well and acts with confidence when a decision has been reached.
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